We develop projects to strengthen and disseminate knowledge about sustainability within the company, with an educational character and focus on employee engagement, as well as an external character, we aim to expand its sustainability operations to the market.
Sustainability Report and Communication on Progress (COP)
We have extensive experience in preparing sustainability reports, and we have developed a unique tool for collecting information online – Management System for Sustainability Reports (S-GRS) qwhich is aligned with the requirements of theGlobal Reporting Initiative (GRI) as well as the Communication on Progress (COP) of the UN Global Compact.
With focus on creating internal skills to use the GRI, the process of preparing the report includes: KickOff – Awareness and Workshops on the GRI indicators and guidelines, individual meetings for clarification of the desired information, real-time monitoring of data collections through the S-GRS, and composition of the report developed by a professional.
All work meets the requirements of:
>Auditing Sustainability reports;
>Checking the GRI, at all levels – C, B, A
>Unified reports (financial and of sustainability): we develop the sustainability content by actively supporting the company responsible for the financial side regarding the needs of the GRI.
We developed two COP that were recognized as Notable Practices by the UN Global Compact. One for the Grupo Pão de Açucar and the other for Copagaz. We also created a Brazilian model for filling the COP which is now considered a reference by this organization.
Sustainable actions focused on education
We have developed training projects for transmission and dissemination of knowledge on sustainability, for an internal public as well as an external public, using techniques adapted to the target audience, regardless of hierarchical level. We prepare different actions, aligned with business needs:
- in person, as a KickOffs or Workshops,
- virtually, as E-learning, or
- in print, as primers and manuals.
Internal communication
We provide direct support for the preparation of internal communication on sustainability, working from the choice of the tool all the way to the product content.