Associated Consultants

Sandra Melleiro Piagentini

Graduated in Psychology by the PUCCAMP (1975) with extension in Social Psychology and a specialization in Social Competence.
Specialization in Social Responsibility Management and Sustainability by the Dom Cabral Foundation.
Has been working in the area of consulting and training for people development (private sector) since 1976.

From 1986 on she began acting with the third sector and coordinated social actions with communities in situations of social vulnerability – development and management of pro-inclusion socioeconomic actions, generating income, volunteering and fundraising.
Sandra began in 2000, operations focused on environmental issues with communities surrounding mining areas.
From 2005 on, she joined the consultants of the Visão Sustentável. Currently, coordinating the project «De Olho no Futuro» sponsored by Votorantim Metals in Fortaleza de Minas – MG.